It's coming.
The day when we can finally wrap our arms around each other.
The day when we can step into each other again and share that sacred space of comfort, greeting and gratitude.
The day where we can give the gift of ourselves with long limbs that wrap tightly.
The day we weep with how much we've missed it.
The day where we hang on longer than we ever did before to make up for the famine.
We've learned. This isn't some sort of indulgence or luxury that we should have found a substitute for. Of everything we've sacrificed, this is one of the only things we've simply had to live without. Because, very simply, it's something humans can't live without.
But the day is coming when holding someone won't risk their lives.
And when it does we will cling and cry and get each other's hair in our mouths. We'll use each other's shoulders as headrests. Some of us will press our entire bodies together and others will stick with the upper body angle-in technique. We'll smash our cheeks together and only hear out of one ear.
And we'll stand there as long as it takes till everyone is full because we've also learned we can stay in one place for a long time. We will all be "huggers" on that day.
And that day is coming.