For me, the answer is simple. Go inward or go under.
Who we are is shifting, and often against our will. In many cases, titles that have defined us are falling away; a crisis of consciousness along with a crisis of captions. Who are we without our labels? These constant lifestyle changes have left us chronically teetering.
The only caption that cannot change is the great “I Am”
Forgetting this is being cut adrift in a storm.
I meditate daily to stay tethered.
It’s my new intention to periodically create opportunities to go inward by sharing brief meditations or calming practices I’ve written that work for me. I welcome your feedback as that is the only way I can improve and create content that truly lifts and supports my community. Please enjoy.
In a quiet space
Cup a glass of water between your palms.
Close your eyes and sense the energy field between your hands.
Imagine your favorite color spilling into, and swirling through the water
Gather a swelling of love, feel it fuse with the liquid.
Visualize healing as glitter, watch it merge with the hue.
Call up compassion and empathy as carbonation.
Now feel the glass actually vibrating with your power
Allow that power to become a part of everything you hold in your hands.
Be fully present and aware of what is literally within your grasp.
With eyes closed,
And with full intention.
Drink in all that you are.
*Add whatever you want. You are your own recipe.