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The number 11 brings a powerful message. It’s directly linked to your life’s purpose and creativity. It's a symbol of high energy, intuition, enthusiasm and creative energy. It signifies new beginnings and good changes.

I didn't know any of this on my trail when I looked up and saw it. What's surprising is I didn't register the trees or the ivy, just the number, like a neon sign, so I snapped it. It wasn’t until I looked it up that I discovered my seeing it was no accident. We all know the difference between the mundane and the divine.

I've been living through a handful of grindstone years; an endurance test that comes with transition and trauma. Each day’s goal was to get from one end of it to the other because that’s where they keep the bed. One of the casualties of this time was my art in all forms. I was completely flat-lined. I only knew a space where something used to exist, but I couldn't feel it anymore.

Stepping back into creating what I love has been slow and cautious. I haven’t trusted the waking up. That’s another casualty; belief in all forms, including one’s self. I’ve coaxed it quietly, waiting to see if it would catch; happy with even the smallest flame but hopeful for spread.

At the moment in question I was deep in my head, internally writing my thoughts and challenging my quads at my outdoor cathedral while capturing images that trigger connection. I was fully alive and deeply content. For me it was a sudden confirmation of being on the right track. I knew it in the same way I know the dimes I always find are from my dad.

So, in honor of the New Year I give to you my 11. What were you doing or thinking when you saw it? Were you doubting yourself and your talent? Were you wondering if you should trust your instincts? Or are you immersed in pursuing your passion and grateful for the confirmation that things are just about to get amazing??

Mundane or divine?

Happy New Year✨


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